How do you quadruple the size of an 85-year-old company in one decade without changing its cultural DNA? How do you accomplish this while keeping your original base of customers wildly loyal and your employees passionately engaged? With Cutler Dawson at the helm for the last 14 years, Navy Federal Credit Union, the world’s largest credit union, has quadrupled the size of the organization and made it an industry leader in customer service. A retired Navy vice admiral with an esteemed 34-year career commanding ships and fleets, Dawson arrived at the venerable and conservative credit union and set it on a course for meteoric growth. It is now one of the most fiercely trusted and smoothly run financial institutions in the world ranked by Fortune magazine as a Best Place to Work for eight years. This book reveals an honest and straightforward look at Dawson’s leadership philosophy and guiding principles, offering tangible and practical insights for readers who want to learn how to chart a similar course of success—one of exponential growth without compromising a company’s bedrock principles.

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Cutler was a member of the 2nd Company and served as the Company Commander for two sets his first class year. He was also a varsity tennis player all four years at the Academy. His Navy assignments included at-sea tours in frigates, destroyers and cruisers, including time on the staffs of Commander Cruiser-Destroyer Group Three and Commander, Seventh Fleet. His commands included the USS Molala, Bronstein, Harry W. Hill, Princeton and the Cruiser-Destroyer Group Twelve /Enterprise Battle Group. In 2017, Cutler was nominated and selected as the fourth member of the Class of 1970 to be a Distinguished Graduate of the Naval Academy. USNA '70 President Mike Novak gives this book four thumbs up!!
Updated: February 03, 2020
Curator: Ed Moore